Kim Gordon urges Americans to vote for Bernie Sanders with absurd recipe video

Kim Gordon urges Americans to vote for Bernie Sanders with absurd recipe video

Kim Gordon has posted a video of her baking a cake on Twitter. It’s no ordinary cake — the ingredients are all components of Bernie Sanders’ campaign as she urges voters to vote for him in the Democratic primaries on March 3.

She offers a deadpan expression and voice, complimented by zany slide whistles and other sound effects as she offers “ingredients” like “Medicare for all”, “Green New Deal”, “cancel student debt”, and “women’s rights”.

The video comes as we reach Super Tuesday, the first widespread day of simultaneous primary elections across the nation. Voters in influential states such as California and Massachusetts will cast their votes for the upcoming Democratic nominee. The race is quickly heating up — candidates Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar and Tom Steyer have all already dropped out since it began with the Iowa caucus on February 3.

Gordon has been a vocal Sanders supporter, encouraging her social media followers to join door-to-door canvassing efforts in California and expressing her trust in him in interviews.

Sanders has garnered the support of many musicians. The Strokes, Vampire Weekend, Public Enemy Radio, Bon Iver, Soccer Mommy and more have performed at his rallies. Julian Casablancas of The Strokes said: “As the only truly non-corporate candidate, Bernie Sanders represents our only chance to overthrow corporate power and help return America to democracy.”

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