Nick Cannon confesses to having stopped shaking hands years before the coronavirus outbreak

Nick Cannon confesses to having stopped shaking hands years before the coronavirus outbreak

Nick cannon I was prepared for the strict coronavirus blocking guidelines after battling lupus for a decade.

The actor and television personality were diagnosed with the autoimmune disease in 2012 and since then have suffered from kidney failure and pulmonary embolism, so they have been wary of social distancing and handshaking for years.

“I stopped shaking hands and stopped touching my face and I really became one of those people who are very cautious about what I put into my body and how to develop my immune system.” Mariah CareyThe ex-husband said during a recent interview with SAG Foundation Conversations. “So when this (COVID-19) came out, I was one of those people who was a little more prepared than the average person, based on my eating habits and awareness of how to strengthen their immune system.”

“When this came it was like, ‘Hello, welcome to the man at the party! I know what it’s like to be in the hospital for months.’ It’s like he’s been training for this time for quite a few years ! “

Cannon’s only major disappointment in the midst of the pandemic is that he was unable to attend an official graduation celebration after earning a degree from Howard University.

“It is bittersweet,” he added. “I started at Howard in 2016 and I always had the goal of crossing that stage in 2020.”

But he hopes there will be other graduations ahead: “I’m going to get my master’s degree in neuropsychology and then hope that my doctorate follows that,” he bragged.


Image Source:*WENN