Love Story 2020 Bby Ryan Reynolds

Love Story 2020 Bby Ryan Reynolds

How has 2020 been for you?

It looked like Satan’s play where not even for a second our soul rested well! The unpleasantry from the beginning of the year enveloped us and in a flick we are in December, trying to accept the new normal life.

To summarise the year and give it a bit positive angle, Hollywood star who is known for his unbeaten comic timing Ryan Renolds has brought us a small video showing what exactly happened to the year 2020.

The video is an advertisement for the dating site ‘Match’, in which the Devil from Hell matches with 2020 and as they go on their stroll across the path of love, the world burns around them, hence the calamities we are going through. But in the end the ad ends with a special message of ‘Make 2021 Your Year’.

Ryan Reynold shared the video by writing, “A match made in hell is still a @match.” and one of the best parts of the video is the classic ‘Love Story’ song of Taylor Swift being used as the background score.

Take a look:

As soon the ‘Deadpool’ actor shared it on his social media handle, ‘Folklore’ singer retweeted it and appreciated the actor for using the snippet of the re-record of her song ahead of the release for his ‘LOLsome’ commercial.


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